

Sooo, I have been talking to this guy since almost a year. He is from out of town and is mad cool. He is such a gentleman, the sweetest person ever met and he truly cares for me.I honestly believe he wants the best for me.

I enjoy talking to him and he makes me laugh and whatnot. However, there is one thing missing. You know, (well you may not; "Bow Chica Bow Wannnn)in the beginning of a relationship all you want to do is talk to that person (even though I'm not much of a phone talker) and all you can do is think about that person. Like that's a feeling you are supposed to get when something is new.

Well, I felt that for maybe the first two weeks of this little thing, but I feel it NO MORE. AND.... and on top of that I have ABSOLUTELY no desire to do anything sexual with him... AT ALL. Not to say he is not a handsome guy, but I just don't feel that way about him. I feel bad because everybody wants me to be with him andI just don't feel it..its just not there. And my fam is really feeling him from all of the good things he has done for me. I'm so confused about it all and don't know what to do. Should I say how I feel about him now?... or...wait for awhile and see if these feelings for him sprout up out of the ground? The only thing is its almost a catch 22...either i tell him now and possibly hurt his feelings or wait til later and hurt his feelings even more.

What should I do...? I guess I'm just thinking about if another guy that's truly a good guy and cares about me is ever gonna come around again. Go easy on's hard for me to express my feelings and this whole email is a bit much for Me

Ms Catch 22,
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